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The O-RAN ALLIANCE was established in 2018 in Bonn, Germany, with the aim of building next-generation open and advanced wireless access networks including 5G. AT&T, China Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, NTT DOCOMO and Orange are the five founding members of the O-RAN ALLIANCE. At present, 32* mobile network operators and 304* vendors and others around the world participate and contribute to develop interoperable specifications for the open, virtualized, and intelligent radio access networks.
*Published on the O-RAN ALLIANCE website (as of December 20, 2022)

Video message from the O-RAN ALLIANCE

What is OTIC(Open Testing & Integration Centres)?

OTIC (Open Testing & Integration Centres) is an organization that tests and certifies various equipment based on the specifications published by the O-RAN ALLIANCE.
Japan OTIC was established in Japan, following on from establishment of OTICs in Europe, America and Asia.